Sunday, February 8, 2009

He's just not that into...

Went to the movie "He's just not that into you" today. I enjoyed it. That said, it's hard for me to watch romance. I'm too cynical these days. I'm wishing I had the wherewithal to throw the man out or leave like the gal in the movie did with her idiot husband.

As Meg Ryan did in "The Women."

I don't. I have to wait. I refuse to move in with my parents and well, I've got this pride thing where I can't bring myself to impose on friends. I feel stupid enough when we get together and all I do is cry. Better to feel sorry for myself here...

Did taxes last night. Discovered I've had 10 face to face interviews last year. None- not a single one- got me a second interview. I've been to interview coaching. I've cut my hair three different ways. I've tried three different "looks"- banker professional, suited creative and outfit creative. I've tried two different portfolios- changed out the pieces inside the portfolio.

So, I tell myself, it's just tough out there. But I finally know that I am ready to move on... really ready. Maybe this week something will come up. A girl can hope...

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